Registered Member
376795 MBACP
About Me
About Me
I am a qualified therapist and a member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and also a member of the Association of Christian Counsellors and abide by the BACP Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling. I work with people seeking a safe space to talk and work through issues. I am warm with a friendly relaxed manner and approach my work in a flexible, sensitive, non-judgmental and relational way. I have a genuine interest in people and will draw alongside you to work through your presenting issues.
About me
What Is my counselling practice all about?
Well at some point in our lives, we will experience challenges; life can be hard and cause us to feel really exhausted and quite frankly mentally and emotionally worn out. When I think about coming to counselling, the word renew seems to embrace the process. Renew means to restore, make new; to begin again. Sometimes you just need a safe space to think, to reflect, to explore your thoughts and feelings, or to address experiences that have depleted you of energy, a sense of self, and of being your authentic self. Sometimes you just need a safe space to press the pause button for a moment, to regain perspective on your life. I offer a safe space where you can release yourself from the weight of the burdens you have been carrying and embrace the freedom to grow.

Registered Member
376795 MBACP
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